Switzerland Promotes Transparency on Climate-Related Financial Risks
On 12th January 2021, Switzerland officially became a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), keeping with the nation’s policy on sustainable finance. This support comes after the meeting on 11th December 2020 in which the Federal Council presented the proposals that would augment Switzerland’s role as a global leader in sustainable financial services. […]
Sustainable Finance: Commission Welcomes Reports on Development of EU Sustainability Reporting Standards
Two reports were published by the European Commission addressing the development of reporting standards for sustainability. These reports were prepared by a multistakeholder task force from the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG). The first report comprises of a roadmap to comprehensive EU sustainability reporting standards. The second report recommends reforms to the current EFRAG […]
Climate Change Adaption is Key to Avoid Disruption of EU Agricultural Commodities Imports
An EEA study projects the impact on agriculture due to climate change in Europe and the rest of the world. The effects are slated to be felt on cultivation conditions, trade, production, regional markets and prices. The study utilizes information on global climate change impacts, the EU’s import profile and evidence of products’ vulnerability to […]
Colonial Pipeline Outage in the United States Highlights Risks to Energy Supplies
The Colonial Pipeline system, which supplies nearly half the fuel consumed along the east coast of the United States, fell victim to a ransomware attach, highlighting the need for stronger cyber security measures. The security breach led to a temporary shutdown, causing gas shortages and price hikes. The situation illustrates how automizing and digitizing every […]
Air Quality and Climate Policy Integration in India
India’s rapid growth has resulted in increased energy requirements and consumption which can induce considerable negative environmental externalities, if not checked in time. Air pollution, fueled by energy-related combustion, has emerged as one of India’s most pressing environmental problems, with the country already undergoing signs of a warming climate. The energy choices that people make […]
Ensuring Critical Minerals Do Not Hinder Clean Energy Transitions
The global energy system’s transition to clean energy is dependent on minerals such as copper, cobalt, nickel and other rare earth metals. This in turn could significantly drive up a shortage of critical minerals, thus thwarting smooth energy transitions. It’s crucial to safeguard and prevent over-exploitation of these minerals to avoid bottlenecks in the transition […]
5 Ways Big Tech Can Impact Clean Energy Transitions
In the past decade, the two key indicators have been the influence of big tech companies on international stock markets and CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Due to big tech’s substantial financial footprint coupled with a significant social and scientific impact, these companies play a crucial role in meeting the challenge of climate change. Big […]
Net Zero Means Harnessing the World’s Vast Capacity for CO2 Storage
Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) has been identified as one of the keystones to successfully transitioning to clean energy as it reduces emissions and also removes CO2 to stabilize emissions. CO2 can be captured through technology-based approaches, from a variety of sources, however, it is a priority to permanently store it so that large-scale […]
Global Leaders Recognize Clean Energy’s Huge Economic Potential
Energy and climate leaders from over 40 countries convened at the IEA COP26 Net Zero Summit, in April 2021, where they were called on to collaborate with the goal to reduce greenhouse emissions and slow down the calamitous rise of global temperatures. Emphasis was laid on the fact that major international efforts were to be […]