Macron’s promise to give up gas, oil, and coal looks ambitious

The re-elected French president did not show strong performance on climate change in his first term. However, in his latest campaign, Macron declared that France will be the first major nation to give up gas, oil, and coal. In the first term, the country had settled at a 40% reduction in emissions until 2030, but […]

New York State unveils new climate initiatives

New York recently unveiled climate initiatives goals for the State for 2030 and 2040, leading the United States in its plan. Using the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, New York State will have 70 percent of its electricity produced by renewable energy sources and zero emissions by 2040. Will add $8.2 Billion and 10,000 jobs […]

New potential risk factors for non-green businesses

Several major cities in the United States including Baltimore, New York City, and Oakland are suing oil companies like ExxonMobil, Shell, and BP over misleading information on climate change in the past. The cases are currently making their way through court systems. This could potentially bring up new climate-related risks for polluting companies in the […]

Solid Majorities in the US support climate change proposals

Majorities in the United States widely favor the climate change friendly policy, which includes federal government funding on EV charge stations, tax credits for households on renewable energy systems, etc.  President Joe Biden announced that climate change policies make a major part of the $2 trillion social spending bill  The survey demonstrates a turning point […]

The US falls behind in the CCPI 2022

The Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2022 is a ranking of the countries that are scoring and the ones lagging in tackling the climate change crisis.   In its recent ranking, the US stands at the 55th place  Based on the ranking system suggestions, the US has to buck up fast  The ranking relies on greenhouse gas […]

China’s first ETF for carbon credit futures on Hong Kong’s bourse

The Hong Kong asset management arm of China International Capital Corporation (CICC) introduced the first carbon credit exchange-traded fund (ETF) The CICC invests in carbon emission permits futures contracts traded in the European Union Currently, the EU has the largest traded carbon-related ETFs that yield a yearly trading volume of approximately 683 million euros   […]

Potential increase of capital requirements by the ECB

According to the website, Green Central Banking, a member of the European Central Bank (ECB) stated that banks’ transition plan targets and capital rules need to be linked. This entails: Banks to publicly disclose their transition plans  Consequently, if a bank is not aligned with an envisioned plan, then it would translate into higher transitional […]

Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan released

Canada released its 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan recently. The report outlines the country’s plan and steps it will take to reach its climate goals by 2030. Includes $9.1 billion CAD in expenses to help meet this goal Goal of reducing carbon emissions to 40-45% by 2030 based on emissions from 2005 Puts forth potential pricing on carbon […]

Renewable energy to be a major resource for the US by 2050

The USA’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) has released forecasts indicating that renewable energy will generate 44% of the country’s electricity. This value is currently at 21%. The forecast states that, of the 44% of renewable energy generation, solar energy will constitute at 51%, wind 31%, geothermal 2%, hydroelectric 12%, and 2% will be other methods  […]

Continuation and elevation of drought in USA’s western region

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has just released a new study outlining their three-month prediction on the drought in the western regions of the US. The report indicates that the drought will continue with a high possibility of becoming more extreme The region is in a very dry state, and the continuation will […]