The emergence of Border Carbon Adjustments must be on banks’ radars

Border Carbon Adjustments (BCAs) alter the impact of carbon pricing on credit risk management. Banks must understand these nuances to properly manage their balance sheet risks. Carbon pricing increases the risk of carbon leakage… The ultimate goals for reducing CO2 and other Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) are agreed upon at a global level, at the Conferences of Parties (COPs). […]

Public private finance schemes and evolving subsidies are directional markers to de-risking green financing

Direct and indirect subsidies into sustainable projects enable banks to recognize the focus and speed of climate change mitigation/adaptation. The gap that exists between the funding requirement of the transition to a greener global economy, and the budgeted plans from world governments, is currently estimated to be in trillions of dollars. Private finance is expected, and needed, to fill this gap, and banks […]

Consumption rate of the carbon budget will dictate the green transition’s speed and risk

Calibrating climate scenarios will require banks’ risk departments to navigate the vagaries of global carbon budget management. This requires an understanding of what it involves and what it really entails. The carbon budget is a consequence of the 2100 global warming target… In 2015, at the Conference Of Parties (COP) in Paris, the world’s governments […]

Climate-related stranded assets represent significant credit risk to banks

Both transitional and physical climate change will deplete collateral value on the balance sheet. Banks must factor this into credit risk management. In the context of climate change, stranded assets are defined as the ones that will be rendered economically inert, by either environmental changes or policies designed to curtail such changes. A widely used […]

Code Red – From the IPCC alert to the COP26 response

Insights on sustainable finance from the UN clarion call through to the world leaders meeting in Glasgow Introduction 2021 has been an important year for climate change awareness. With a COP being held in November, world governments made a series of announcements to demonstrate about their commitment to reach the ambitions set out in the […]

COP26 is in the books and has left strong signals for banks to follow

Amid compromises, disputes, and celebrations, the Glasgow summit has laid down strong markers for the financial industry to utilize, as banks prepare for the climate challenge. COP26 – A Report Card For The Paris Accord Commitments… There was considerable concern when heading into the summit. Climate policies were already implemented, notably across Europe, but many […]