Colonial Pipeline Outage in the United States Highlights Risks to Energy Supplies

The Colonial Pipeline system, which supplies nearly half the fuel consumed along the east coast of the United States, fell victim to a ransomware attach, highlighting the need for stronger cyber security measures.  The security breach led to a temporary shutdown, causing gas shortages and price hikes.  The situation illustrates how automizing and digitizing every […]

Air Quality and Climate Policy Integration in India

India’s rapid growth has resulted in increased energy requirements and consumption which can induce considerable negative environmental externalities, if not checked in time.  Air pollution, fueled by energy-related combustion, has emerged as one of India’s most pressing environmental problems, with the country already undergoing signs of a warming climate.  The energy choices that people make […]

Ensuring Critical Minerals Do Not Hinder Clean Energy Transitions

The global energy system’s transition to clean energy is dependent on minerals such as copper, cobalt, nickel and other rare earth metals. This in turn could significantly drive up a shortage of critical minerals, thus thwarting smooth energy transitions.  It’s crucial to safeguard and prevent over-exploitation of these minerals to avoid bottlenecks in the transition […]